Social Distancing

When you arrive

From Sunday 30th August 2020, you should wear a face covering. You must have your nose and mouth covered. This does not apply to those with a medical condition that exempts you from wearing a face covering.

When you arrive, make your way through the main doors which will be propped open.

Please do not use the stairs up to the building, instead use the ramp. This is to avoid touching the handrails.

Please use the provided hand sanitiser once inside.

You will be asked to sign in as part of track and trace. You will be asked for your name and telephone number.

The chairs are well spaced out, so you will not be sitting near to other groups of people.

During the service

Our minister is the Reverend Alan Craig.


There will be no offering collected during the service however, there will be an offering plate as you leave. If you prefer, you can give by direct debit and opt into GiftAid. This allows us to claim 25p for every £1 you donate if you pay tax above the basic rate, you can claim the difference between the rate you pay and the basic rate on your donations. Click here to find out how to contact us to set this up.


We are now allowed to sing hymns, however, you must wear a mask to do so. We play videos of hymns recorded and produced during the lockdown from our praise team and other praise groups from around the Lisburn & Dromore Methodist Circuit.

Readings & Prayers

Some pre-selected members of the congregation may come forward and read a verse from the bible or give a prayer. You should go to one of the microphones at the side of the pulpit. If you are the second reader, you should use a different microphone to the previous person.


We have communion once a month, anyone who wishes to receive communion may receive it. When it’s a communion Sunday, there will be a table of communion “fellowship cups” that you can take to your seat.

fellowship cups

After the service

Please leave directly, row by row.

Tea and Coffee are not served at this time.

Service Recording

Each week, the service is recorded and shared on our Facebook and YouTube pages, also to this website you can find them all here.

Keeping in touch

You can join our Facebook group here

You can join our e-mailing list here

Before social distancing

Below is how this page looked before social distancing. We have left this here as a guideline for hopefully what to expect once everything goes back to normal.

Sunday mornings

The whole church family meets together for worship on a Sunday morning at 10am.  As we gather for worship at Trinity our main hope and purpose is to glorify God and honour Him. We seek always to be reverent before God, yet we try not to be too formal.  The service lasts about one hour and includes a mix of musical styles, prayers and Bible readings.  We learn from the Bible in the kids’ spot and adult talk.  Most people dress casually for worship at Trinity.

About 20 minutes into the service the children and young people leave for their own programmes.  Children aged 3 to 11 go to Trinity Zone – a Sunday school programme based around contemporary resources, while the teenagers go to their own discussion group called YPod.  A staffed creche for babies and toddlers up to the age of 3 runs for the duration of the service.

After the service ends, free tea ,coffee and biscuits are served for everyone in the coffee dock in the foyer.

Prayer Ministry is available after the service each week at the front of the church. Two members of the team will pray with you in confidence.

If you are coming to Trinity for the first time, please say to the person who greets you at the door and they can introduce you to someone to sit beside.  WE ALWAYS WARMLY WELCOME VISITORS AND NEWCOMERS TO OUR CHURCH !

The service in more detail…

All the words of the hymns / songs and Bible readings are projected onto a screen at the front to make it easy for everyone to follow the service.  The talk is usually about 25 minutes long , with accompanying slides to reinforce the key points.  Prayers are all led from the front.  An offering is taken during the service which normally goes towards general church upkeep / expenses and our church missionaries.  Please note, you do not have to contribute to the offering.

On the first Sunday of every month the service includes communion.  In common with most churches, we do this as a tangible means of remembering  Jesus’ death for us and resurrection. Anyone who is seeking to follow Jesus as Saviour and Lord is welcome to have communion; if for any reason someone does not wish to receive, they can just let the bread and ‘wine’ pass along the row. In Trinity we use non-alcoholic grape juice in our communion services.

Once a month after the service, prayer ministry is offered.  Anyone who would like to receive prayer either for themselves or for someone they know can meet with two members of the prayer ministry team who will pray with them.

Our aim is to provide everyone who comes with an opportunity to worship God through praise and prayer, to learn from the Bible and to have space to think about what God is saying to us .

Sunday evenings

We don’t have a regular service every Sunday evening, but instead we hold occasional Praise & Prayer services and we also use Sunday evenings to run short Bible teaching sessions.  A series on a book of the Bible or a topic such as ‘sharing our faith’ might run over 3 or 4 Sunday evenings.  It gives us a chance to delve more deeply into God’s Word to understand more about Him and more about what He would like us to be.   The study is taught and often interesting and challenging questions are asked, which can then give rise to lively discussions of the topics being considered.