Planing for an event that isn’t listed
- Find out who the organiser is well in advance, about a week or two in advance is usually enough
- Find out if there is a rehearsal that you can attend so you can clearly see what’s happening
- Make an input list, put them in order of where you want to have them on the desk so that you can easily find them
- Make sure that we have enough mic stands and microphones to cover the event, see the equipment list
- Try and get a running order which you can write notes on such as “Play track 1 here” etc
- If there is any music to be played, try and get a copy in advance that can be played from the computer as this is more reliable than a CD or someone else’s laptop or phone.
- If music is to be played from an iPhone etc, make sure to have a separate lead for it to the computer so that you don’t have to rush to swap over cables
- Try and label the desk if you have a chance to
- Make sure to do a sound check of each input
- Don’t forget about the computer
- Also, you should test putting all of the faders to zero to check if that would cause feedback.
- See this link for sound check advice