Check out Preparing for a Sunday Stream and How to switch equipment on and off
Going live
- In OBS enable “Studio Mode”
- Show the “Intro” scene
- Click the “Start Streaming” button in OBS at the right side of the screen. Don’t do this until 9:55am
- Ask the minister to get ready to move into the pulpit. Let them know they have 5 minutes until we are live.
- At 10AM show the intro video
- Give the minister a countdown to let them know when there are 10 seconds left.
- Show the Live Camera & PowerPoint and point to the minister to let them know to start.
- During the service, give the minister a heads up when videos have started and they are no longer on screen. Also, give the minister a heads up when the video is nearly over.
Ending the stream
- Show the “End Bumper” video. When it’s finished:
- Click stop streaming in OBS
- Remove any custom videos and scenes you added in OBS for the next person
- You’re done